Application Instructions
Nutriplant SD
NUTRIPLANT® SD can be applied right in the planter box. Fill each box about half full of seed. Apply half of the recommended rate of NUTRIPLANT® SD and mix thoroughly. Add the rest of the seed and the rest of the NUTRIPLANT® SD and mix again. Properly treated seed will have a fine coating of powder.
Click here to see the Nutriplant SD label.

Nutriplant SL
Apply NUTRIPLANT® SL using commercial equipment. Apply as a fine mist to obtain a uniform coating. Dilute only as necessary for uniform application. Mix seeds until dry and do not stick. Keep seed dry until planting. Plant seeds as usual.
Several companies, including Enviropac and Gustafson manufacture equipment, large and small, for applying either liquids or powders to seed.
These and others can be found on the internet. Costs start at under $200.
Click here to see the Nutriplant SL label.

Nutriplant AG
Shake well before using. Spray diluted Nutriplant®AG evenly on foliage using any conventional spraying equipment. For best results, apply in evening or early morning. Avoid applying product under windy conditions. Heavy rain or overhead irrigation within 24 hours of application may reduce product effectiveness. See label for further information.
To co-apply with herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers, dilute 1 part Nutriplant®AG with 5 parts water prior to mixing with pre-diluted chemicals. Apply as direct above. A small test area should be treated prior to large scale mixing to determine that no phytotoxicity or undesirable effects occur.
To co-apply with herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers, dilute 1 part Nutriplant®AG with 5 parts water prior to mixing with pre-diluted chemicals. Apply as direct above. A small test area should be treated prior to large scale mixing to determine that no phytotoxicity or undesirable effects occur.
Click here to see the Nutriplant AG label.

When using APSA-80 as a surfactant, apply at:
Herbicides - 4 oz/acre in 20 gallon
Insecticides/Fungicides - 4 oz/acre in 100 gallon
Irrigation Aid - 4 oz/acre in 10 gallon min/acre
Turf Dry Spot Control - 5 oz/1000 sq ft in March, 2 oz/1000 sq ft in June, July, August on tees and greens, 1 quart/acre on fairways
As an irrigation and soil compaction aid, the recommended rate is 16 - 32 oz. per acre in 10 gallon minimum per acre.